Thursday, February 28, 2019

Thursday 2-28-19

Students have 8 days left to read their Language Arts Fair book selections! All books should be read by March 8

Holes - Read by 107-119

Vocab Unit 10 - Synonyms and Antonyms. All of Unit 10 workbook is due tomorrow

Spelling Week 19 due tomorrow

5th Grade Math - Investigation 8 and Lesson 81
6th Grade Math - L 78. Corrections on L 76 & 77

Memory- Lord's Prayer, 6th Petition and Meaning (Fill in the Blank)

Art Project - coloring pictures

The Book Fair is open until 6 this evening, and will be open tomorrow for purchases as well

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Wednesday 2-27-19

Students have 9 days left to read their Language Arts Fair book selections! All books should be read by March 8

Vocab Unit 10 - Synonyms and Antonyms. All of Unit 10 workbook is due Friday

Spelling Week 19 due Fri

5th Grade Math - Test Day, Corrections on L 80
6th Grade Math - L 77

Memory- Lord's Prayer, 6th Petition and Meaning (Fill in the Blank)

Art Project - coloring pictures

Tomorrow is our "shopping day" for the Book Fair - feel free to send money for students to make purchases.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Tuesday 2-26-19

Reading - Continue reading your selected book for the Language Arts Fair. Books have all been selected and approved. They must be read by March 8.

Vocab - Unit 10 - Read selection, complete definitions(fill in the blank) and Match the Meaning

Spelling Week 19 due Friday

5th Grade Math - L 80, Corrections on L 79
6th Grade Math - L 76

Art - color pictures

Memory - Lord's Prayer, 6th Petition and Meaning (fill in blank on Fri)

Today we browsed at the Book Fair. Students wrote down a few favorites. We will have time to go to the Book Fair again on Thursday morning to make purchases, or you can visit after school one day this week!

Our first day of STARBASE was a big hit! Ask your child what their favorite part was! I will be sending pictures. Ask them who Karrrrrrrl was, what CAD stands for, and why we counted "3, 2, 1, INTERTIA!" 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Friday 2-22-19

Reading - continue to read your book for the Language Arts Fair
Holes - Quiz on Ch 16-20

Spelling - Week 19
1. scholar
2. ancestor
3. juror
4. astronomer
5. optimist
6. novelist
7. florist
8. villager
9. cheater

10. sailor

5th Grade Math - L 79, Corrections on L 78
6th Grade Math - L 75

Memory - Lord's Prayer, 6th Petition (fill in the blank)

We will be heading to STARBASE on Monday! Students must bring a bag lunch, as we will be eating there. Students may bring a snack and a water bottle, as well.

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Thursday 2-21-19

Language Arts Fair books - all students have chosen their novels for the Fair and should be working on reading them at this time!

Vocab Test tomorrow - Unit 9

Spelling Week 18 - sentences, definitions, choice activity due tomorrow

5th Grade Math - L 78, Corrections on L 77
6th Grade Math - L 74, Corrections on L 73

Social Studies - Take home test

Memory - Lord's Prayer 5th Petition and Meaning

STARBASE permission slip (last one, I promise!)
Parent Teacher Conference Form
Romanelli's Karate form for gym class

Tomorrow is Trinity/Spartans wear OR PJ/Cozy clothes day. Students may bring slippers to wear and a small stuffed animal (no more than 12-14" please!)

Friday, February 15, 2019

Friday 2-15-19

Reading - Through page 100 in Holes

Vocab - Test will be next Friday

Spelling -Week 18 – Conditional Words

1. delicacy
2. piracy
3. legacy
4. aptitude
5. venture
6. gratitude
7. attitude
8. latitude
9. pressure
10. fixture

5th Grade math - L 76
6th Grade Math - L 72, Corrections on L 71

Memory - 5th Petition and Meaning

Your child received information on the Language Arts Fair (March 28) yesterday and today. Students selected a book to read for the fair. All books must be approved by a teacher, and there are to be no duplicate books between 5th/6th grade classes. Most students selected books today, but these can be changed if needed. We wanted students to have the opportunity to get a head start on reading with their midwinter break time!

There is no school on Monday or Tuesday next week - enjoy your midwinter break! See post from earlier this week or the Trinity Tweet for info on dress up days this week!

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Thursday 2-14-19 Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Vocab Unit 9 workbook pages and spelling are both due tomorrow
5th grade math - test day(no lesson) and corrections on L 75
6th grade math - L 71

Social Studies- Think & Review Problem #10

Memory - Lord’s Prayer 4th petition and meaning

Please send back conference forms ASAP - whether you are requesting a conference or not, please sign and return

Tomorrow is a Casual Dress Day $1 tops/$1 bottoms

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday 2-13-19

Hello 5th Grade Families!
Sorry for the blog hiccup, these snow days are really throwing my plans off!

Reading - Holes pg 48-58, Letter to Stanley's Mom (was due today, extended to tomorrow)

Shurley Checkup 30

Vocab - Unit 9 workbook due Friday

Spelling - Week 17

5th Grade Math - Lesson 75, Corrections on L 74
6th Grade Math - Investigation 7, #11 Coordinate Plane

Social Studies - Let's Write (back on newspaper)

Memory - Lord's Prayer, 4th Petition and Meaning

Tomorrow is Valentine's Day - students are welcome to bring Valentines and/or a small treat to pass out to classmates. We will have Valentine bags here to decorate, no need to bring a box in.

There is no school next Monday or Tuesday due to Midwinter break.
When we return, we will have the National Lutheran Schools Week dress up days
Wednesday - Dress Up for Jesus
Thursday - Career Day OR College/Sports Team Day
Friday - PJ Day OR Spartans

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Thursday 2-7-19

Vocab Test on Unit 8 is tomorrow

Week 16 Spelling - Sentences, Definitions, Choice due tomorrow, spelling test tomorrow

5th Grade Math - L 72, Corrections on L 71
6th Grade Math - L 69, Corrections on L 68

Lord's Prayer, 3rd Petition and Meaning due tomorrow

Chapel tomorrow - all $ going to LAMP and sending missionaries to small, remote villages

Last call for January Family Faith Discussions!

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday 2-5-19

Vocab - Unit 8 workbook pages due tomorrow, Test will be Friday

Spelling - Wk 16 due Fri

5th Grade Math - L 71
6th Grade Math - L 68, Corrections on L 67

Memory - Lord's Prayer, 3rd Petition and Meaning

Note: Lutheran Schools Week dress up/dress down days will be rescheduled at a later date

Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday 2-4-19

Shurley CP 28

Vocab - Unit 8 workbook pages due Wednesday, Test will be Friday

Spelling - Wk 16 due Fri

5th Grade Math - Test Day, no lesson, no corrections
6th Grade Math - L 67, Corrections on L 66

Science - Check

Memory - Lord's Prayer, 3rd Petition and Meaning

Note: Lutheran Schools Week dress up/dress down days will be rescheduled at a later date

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday 2/1/19

Vocab - Workbook pages will be due next WEDNESDAY and the test will  be Friday

Shurley CP 27

Spelling - Sentences, Definitions, Choice Activity
Week 16 – relating to

1. mandatory
2. cautionary
3. culinary
4. hereditary
5. momentary
6. memory
7. history
8. elementary
9. dictionary
10. victory

5th Grade Math - Investigation, Corrections on L 70
6th Grade Math - L 66

Memory - Lord's Prayer, 3rd Petition and Meaning