Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Wednesday 10-31-18 Happy Halloween and Reformation Day!

Spelling week 8 due Friday
Vocab Unit 5 - all workbook pages due Friday

5th Grade Math - Lesson 36 & 37 due tomorrow (should be nearly completed, if not done already!)
6th Grade Math - Lesson 32

Social Studies - Newspaper - Crossword, Think & Review
(Skip #8 )
5th Commandment said by Friday
Art - Complete Scarecrow background

**Gleaners permission slip (blue sheet)
**Still need conference slips from 3 families!!

Happy Halloween! Stay safe tonight!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Tuesday 10-30-18

Vocab: Unit 5 Workbook - Definitions, Read Intro. All of Unit 5 will be due Friday

Week 8 Spelling due Friday

5th Grade Math: Lesson 36 & 37 both due Thursday - no corrections today. We learned 2 lessons today and still had 30 minutes of work time. Tomorrow, we will have a full hour of work time (no corrections, no lesson - all work time) for math, in attempts to alleviate Halloween night homework 😉
6th Grade Math: Lesson 31

Please send conference time requests back as soon as possible!

Your child is bringing home a permission slip for next week's field trip to Gleaners - please fill out and return as soon as possible!

Monday, October 29, 2018

Monday 10-29-18

Happy Monday - the kids were happy today because there is very little homework today 😊

Spelling - week 8 due Friday
Shurley CP 13
5th Grade math - Test Day, no homework page. Corrections on L 35
6th Grade math - Investigation Day, highlight answers

5th Commandment, said by Friday

Don't forget - Band Practice Sheets should be turned in regularly. 60 minutes of practice should be recorded each week and turned in!

**Conference times should be turned in ASAP. These should be turned in to the teacher of your youngest child at Trinity.

**Gleaners permission slips will be coming home tomorrow for our trip next week. Please sign and return ASAP. We have our drivers all set, but if you're still interested in joining us, please let me know. The few remaining spots will be first come, first served!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Friday 10-26-18

Happy Friday, 5th grade families!

Read Wonder through pg 173
Spelling Week 8 - due next Friday
1. nonexistent
2. illegible
3. inaccessible
4. improbable
5. incognito
6. impractical
7. inconvenient
8. impatient
9. irresponsible
10. nonfiction

5th grade math: Lesson 35, corrections on L 34
6th grade math: Test Day, no new lesson. Corrections in L30

Memory: 5th commandment, said by next Friday

Kahoot Vocab Review

We played a new game to review our vocab this week - it’s been decided that Kahoot is a new favorite! Despite a bit of technical difficulties (Chromebook touchpads are very sensitive!) it was a fun learning experience!

Class pictures - Round Robin Questions - Graffiti Style

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thursday 10-25-18

Wonder Cloze (fill in the blank) summaries 8 & 9
Wonder Quiz 9 & 10
The students received these yesterday, both are due tomorrow

Vocab test tomorrow - Unit 4
Shurley CP 12 due tomorrow
Spelling Week 7 due tomorrow (same list we had last week, many already turned in!)

5th Grade Math - Lesson 34, Corrections on L 33
6th Grade Math - Lesson 30, Correction on L 29

4th Commandment (fill in the blank) tomorrow

Students had almost 40 minutes of worktime during math and then another 15-20 min study hall time, so many students are finished with most/all of this!

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Wednesday 10-24-18

Reading - Cloze (fill in the blank) summaries for Ch 8&9 and Quizzes for Ch 9 & 10 - All due Friday
Vocab Test Friday
Spelling - Week 7 due Friday

5th Grade Math - L 33, Corrections on L 32
6th Grade Math - L 29, Corrections on L 28

Social Studies - Take Home Test, Bring map tomorrow
4th Commandment - fill in the blank on Friday

Reminder - Keep practicing for band and turn in those practice sheets!

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuesday 10-23-18

Tomorrow is the last day for coat donations! The 8th graders are collecting coats for Covenant House, a program that helps homeless teens. They are looking for donations of new or gently used adult (or larger youth) sized coats. Thank you!

Writing: Final copy of Writing Assignment 1 due tomorrow
Vocab Test Friday
Spelling - week 7 due Friday
5th Grade Math - Lesson 32, Corrections on L 31
6th Grade Math - Lesson 28, Corrections on L 27

Social Studies - Christopher Columbus paper with supporting details
Map of School - both due TOMORROW

Art - skeleton project

Memory - 4th commandment fill-in-the-blank on Friday

Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday 10-22-18

Hello 5th grade families!
I hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend - the teachers had a blast and learned a lot while at our conference in Grand Rapids! I look forward to sharing some of the fun ideas with our students.

Spelling week 7 due Friday
Vocab Test - Unit 4 - Friday
Writing Assignment 1 (Expository paragraph) final copy due Wednesday, typed OR handwritten in cursive
5th Grade Math - Lesson 31, no corrections
6th Grade Math - Lesson 27, corrections on L 26

Social Studies - Map of School and Christopher Columbus Paragraph (include supporting details)
4th Commandment - Fill-in-the-blank on Friday

8th Grade is collecting new/gently used coats in adult sizes for Covenant House - drop off in boxes in entry area

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Wednesday 10-17-18

Enjoy your 4 day weekend! All of the teachers are headed to Grand Rapids in the morning for our teacher conference. I am looking forward to bringing some new ideas back to the classroom to try!

Reading: Wonder Cloze (Fill-in-the-Blank) Activity #6 & #7
Wonder Part 3 Quiz
Read Pages 124-154

Spelling Week 7 due next Fri

Vocabulary Unit 4 Workbook pages - due Monday

5th Grade Math - No lesson - Investigation Day
6th Grade Math - L 26

Memory - 4th Commandment (for those who have not completed) due next Friday

Remember - No school tomorrow or Friday!! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Tuesday 10-16-18

We're already more than halfway through our school week! We have a short week this week - no school on Thursday or Friday due to the MANS teacher conference in Grand Rapids.

There will be a Bake Sale tomorrow hosted by the 8th graders to benefit Covenant House. They will also be hosting a coat drive next week to provide coats for the homeless.

Vocab Unit 4 workbook pages must all be complete by Monday, Oct. 22

Spelling - Week 7 - Due to the short week next week, spelling will be due the FOLLOWING Friday, 10-26-18

5th Grade Math - Test Day, Corrections on L 30
6th Grade Math - Test Day, Corrections on L 25

Memory - 4th Commandment (Fill-in-the-Blank). Students will have the OPTION to complete this on Wednesday 10-17-18, but will be required to complete it by 10-26-18.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Monday 10-15-18

Hello 5th Grade Families! We have a short week this week. There is no school on Thursday or Friday due to the MANS teacher conference in Grand Rapids. While you enjoy your 4 day weekend, I will be attending classes and learning new things to incorporate here at school!

There will be a Bake Sale on Wednesday hosted by the 8th graders to benefit Covenant House.

Writing: 3 Pt Expository Paragraph - Introduction, Body, and Conclusion Rough Draft (done in class, only homework if needed extra time)

Spelling - Week 7 - Due to the short week next week, spelling will be due the FOLLOWING Friday, 10-26-18

5th Grade Math - Lesson 30, Corrections on L 29
6th Grade Math - Lesson 25, Corrections on L 24

Memory - 4th Commandment (Fill-in-the-Blank). Students will have the OPTION to complete this on Wednesday 10-17-18, but will be required to complete it by 10-26-18.

***LAST CALL***Please let me know if you are interested in joining the class for our field trip to Gleaners on the morning of Nov 7th. We will need drivers/chaperones. This is a wonderful service project for our students! We can take up to 15 parents. IF we have more than 15 parents, we will draw names, so please let me know if you are interested and able to drive by Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Friday 10-12-18

Hello 5th Grade Families!
This Sunday is the Parish Pizza Pumpkin Picnic - see you there!

Writing: 3 Pt Expository Paragraph - Introduction Rough Draft (done in class, only homework if needed extra time)

Spelling - Week 7 - Due to the short week next week, spelling will be due the FOLLOWING Friday, 10-26-18
Week 7 Words:
em-, en-, im-, in-

1. embellish
2. impersonate
3. innovative
4. impart
5. infuse
6. immerse
7. introduction
8. introvert
9. engage
10. embed

5th Grade Math - Lesson 29, Corrections on L 28
6th Grade Math - Lesson 24, Corrections on L 23

Social Studies- Take Home Test

Memory - 4th Commandment (Fill-in-the-Blank)

Please let me know if you are interested in joining the class for our field trip to Gleaners on the morning of Nov 7th. We will need drivers/chaperones. This is a wonderful service project for our students! We can take up to 15 parents. IF we have more than 15 parents, we will draw names, so please let me know if you are interested and able to drive by Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Thursday 10-11-18

Vocab test tomorrow
Spelling week 6 - sentences, definitions, choice activity - due tomorrow
5th grade math - Lesson 28, Corrections on L 27
6th Grade math - Lesson 23, Corrections on L 22

Memory - 3rd Commandment (spoken this week, Fri)

We reached our book order goal! The kids will each receive a book chosen by scholastic AND we got enough bonus points that they will each receive another that they get to choose!

Please let me know if you are interested in joining the class for our field trip to Gleaners on the morning of Nov 7th. We will need drivers/chaperones. This is a wonderful service project for our students! We can take up to 15 parents. IF we have more than 15 parents, we will draw names, so please let me know if you are interested and able to drive by Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Wednesday 10-10-18

Vocab test on Friday
Spelling week 6 - sentences, definitions, choice activity - due Friday
5th grade math - Lesson 27, Corrections on L 26
6th Grade math - Lesson 22, Corrections on L 21
Science - Checkup
Memory - 3rd Commandment (spoken this week, by Fri)

Book Order is due Tomorrow! Just $29 to our goal to receive a free book (of Scholastic's choice) to every student in our class. Thank you to all who have ordered already!

Please let me know if you are interested in joining the class for our field trip to Gleaners on the morning of Nov 7th. We will need drivers/chaperones. This is a wonderful service project for our students! We can take up to 15 parents. IF we have more than 15 parents, we will draw names, so please let me know if you are interested and able to drive by Tuesday, Oct. 15.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Tuesday 10-9-18

Vocab test on Friday
Spelling week 6 - sentences, definitions, choice activity - due Friday
5th grade math - Lesson 26
6th Grade math - Lesson 21, Highlight Investigation
Social Studies - back of newspaper activity (crossword); Sketch to Stretch Native American Chart
Memory - 3rd Commandment (spoken this week, by Fri)

Book Order is due Thursday!

Feel free to join the school for Chapel tomorrow morning - it's a great way to start your Wednesday!

Monday, October 8, 2018

Monday 10-8-18

Hello 5th grade families! I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Due to a doctor’s appt, I was out this afternoon. The students enjoyed the company of Mrs Meseke again :)

We had a special guest during Spanish this afternoon - ask your child about our visitor!

Vocab Test on Friday
Spelling - week 6 (available on spelling city now, sorry for the delay) due Friday
5th grade math - Test day, no lesson.  Corrections on L25
6th grade math - Investigation*
Memory - 3rd commandment and meaning

*Due to my PM absence, I wasn’t in to check up on science/ss/6th grade math homework. Students should still  have it written from the classroom planner into their planners!

Parish Pizza Pumpkin Picnic on Sunday
No school next week Thurs & Fri (10/18-10/19) due to teacher conference

Friday, October 5, 2018

Friday 10-5-18

Can you believe it's midterm already? Halfway through our first marking period! Please be sure to check grades on RenWeb with your progress report this week, and email me that you have done so!

Vocab test next Friday

CP 10 (most finished in class)

Spelling - Week 6
1. hypertension
2. hyperbole
3. superior
4. substitute
5. surpass
6. surplus
7. hypocrite
8. subtract
9. subtitle

10. supermarket

5th Grade Math - Lesson 25; Corrections on L 24
6th Grade Math - Test Day, Corrections on L 20

Memory - 3rd Commandment and meaning (due next Fri)

Book Order due next Thurs

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Thursday 10-4-18

Shurley Classroom Practice (CP) 8
Vocab - All of unit 3 due tomorrow

Spelling week 5 due tomorrow

5th Grade Math - Lesson 24, Corrections on L 23
6th Grade Math - Lesson 20, Corrections on L 18&19

Memory - 2nd Commandment (fill in the blank) tomorrow morning

Science- students need to bring a 1/2 liter(or larger) disposable water bottle
Art - Bear project
Band - Optional - find meaning of "Au Claire de la Lune"

Book Order - due next Thurs

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Wednesday 10-3-18

Thank you to all of the families who joined us for chapel today! Our class did an awesome job with their skits, prayers, songs, dances, and the whole presentation! We're glad so many of you could join us.

A book order came home today for the month of October. There are lots of great books in there this month! Orders will be due next Thursday.


Vocab - Unit 3 Synonyms and Antonyms (all Unit 3 workbook pages will be due Fri)

Spelling week 5 - due Fri

5th Grade Math - L 23, Corrections on L 22
6th Grade Math - L 19

Memory - 2nd Commandment

Art project - Bear

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Tuesday 10-2-18

Tomorrow morning, 5th grade will be presenting the chapel service! Come watch and support your 5th graders as they perform their skits, sing their songs, and share with the school. We even have a dance planned!


Vocab: Unit 3 - read the selection, complete Match the Meaning

Spelling Week 5 will be due Friday (sentences, definitions, choice activity)
Please email me if you do not have your student's Spelling City login info or are having issues with logging Spelling City time!

5th Grade Math - Lesson 22, Corrections on L 21
6th Grade Math - Lesson 18, Correction on L 17

Social Studies - Take Home Test

Memory - 2nd Commandment and Meaning (fill-in-the-blank on Friday)

Practice Chapel if needed

Chapel offering for tomorrow

Monday, October 1, 2018

Monday 10-1-18

Happy October, 5th Grade Families!

Please feel free to join us on Wednesday morning at 8:20 for our class chapel presentation!

Make sure you've read Wonder up to pg 99
Vocab - Unit 3 Definitions
Spelling Week 5 - due Friday
5th Grade Math - Lesson 21
6th Grade math - Lesson 17, Corrections on L 16
Memory - 2nd Commandment and Meaning (fill-in-the-blank on Friday)
Practice chapel part (if needed)
Band and PE tomorrow, bagel day