Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday 4-30-18

Lit Circles & Job page

Spelling Week 29 Due Fri

Math - L 110, L 109 Corrections
6th Gr Math L 109

Vocab - Unit 14 - Read Intro, Complete Definitions

NO band tomorrow
PE tomorrow
Tie Dye tomorrow

Sex Ed Books are coming home today! Please take the time to read this with your child. Books should be returned by next week (Monday)

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday 4/27/18

Math - Lesson 109, L 108 Corrections
6th Grade Math - Lesson 107/108 Corrections

Shurley Checkup 45

Spelling - Week 29 due next Fri
1. opera
2. vague
3. debut
4. gourmet
5. unique
6. brochure
7. cocoon
8. mosquito
9. debris
10. cafeteria

Memory - Apostle's Creed, Second Article Meaning (pt 1)
What does this mean? I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the virgin Mary, is my Lord, who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil; not with gold and silver, but with His holy precious blood and with His innocent suffering and death, (continued next week)
This will be fill-in-the-blank with a word box!

Mrs. Moore is looking for more helpers for Tie Dye on Tuesday! Our art class is at 10:15 and we can use all the helpers we can get!

We have a book order that came home today! I have buy one ($5 or more) get one ($5 or less) free coupons, but they expire Monday! If you'd like a coupon code to order online, let me know and I will send you one!

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Thursday 4-27-18

Math - Lesson 108, L 107 Corrections
6th Grade Math - Lesson 108 (due Fri)

Reading: Lit Circles - read the following pages and complete your discussion paper

The One and Only Ivan - pg 97-113
Flora & Ulysses - pg 86-100
Tuck Everlasting - Ch 11-12
Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief - Ch 10
Hatchet - Ch 8-9

CP 44 due Fri

Vocab Test on Friday

Spelling - Week 28 due Fri
Memory - Apostle's Creed, Second Article

Tie Dye Papers/Permission Slips due Fri
Be ready to tell me what size shirt you'll need if you're getting one from Mrs. Moore!

Art - Comic Book Drawings due Friday

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Wednesday 4-25-18

Math - Lesson 107, L 106 Corrections
6th Grade Math - Lesson 108 (due Fri)

Reading: Lit Circles - read the following pages and complete Instagram Illustrator discussion paper

The One and Only Ivan - pg 82-96
Flora & Ulysses - pg 70-85
Tuck Everlasting - Ch 10
Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief - Ch 9
Hatchet - Ch 7

CP 44 due Fri

Vocab Test on Friday

Band tomorrow

Spelling - Week 28 due Fri
Memory - Apostle's Creed, Second Article

Tie Dye Papers/Permission Slips

Art - Comic Book Drawings due Friday

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tuesday 4-24-18

Math - Lesson 106
6th Grade Math - Lesson 107, L 106 Corrections

Reading: Lit Circles - read the following pages and complete G.O.A.T (Greatest of All Tour Guides) discussion paper

The One and Only Ivan - pg 67-81
Flora & Ulysses - pg 57-69
Tuck Everlasting - Ch 8-9
Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief - Ch 7-8
Hatchet - Ch 6

Vocab Test on Friday

Chapel $ tomorrow
Choir - if you are in a group, bring your items

Spelling - Week 28 due Fri
Memory - Apostle's Creed, Second Article

Tie Dye Papers/Permission Slips

Art - Comic Book Drawings due Friday

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Thursday 4/19/18

Math - Lesson 104 due tomorrow
6th Gr Math - Lesson 105 and 104 corrections due tomorrow

All Vocab Unit 13 due Monday, test will be next Friday (4/27)


Groundwork Guatemala needs our help! 5th graders are asked to bring deodorant to send to Guatemala. Thank you!

Art Homework - due next Tues

Bring Library Books!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Wednesday 4-18-18

Math - Lesson 104 due Friday, L 103 Corrections due tomorrow
6th Gr Math - Lesson 105 and 104 corrections due Fri


Groundwork Guatemala needs our help! 5th graders are asked to bring deodorant to send to Guatemala. Thank you!

Literature Circle Character paper due tomorrow

Art Homework - due next Tues

Band and PE tomorrow

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Tuesday 4-17-18

Math - Lesson 103 due Wednesday
6th Gr Math - Lesson 104 and 103 corrections due Wed


Groundwork Guatemala needs our help! 5th graders are asked to bring deodorant to send to Guatemala. Thank you!

Lit Circles Reading - due tomorrow
Flora & Ulysses - pg 16-31
Tuck Everlasting - Ch 3-4
Hatchet - Ch 2
The One and Only Ivan - pg 15-31
Percy Jackson - Ch 2

Art Homework - due next Tues

Chapel $

Monday, April 16, 2018

Monday 4-16-18

Math - Lesson 103 due Wednesday, Corrections on L 102 due tomorrow
6th Gr Math - Lesson 104 and 103 corrections due Wed


Groundwork Guatemala needs our help! 5th graders are asked to bring deodorant to send to Guatemala. Thank you!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Wednesday 4-11-18

Bloom's Ball Circles - all 12 done, ready to cut/color
Vocab - Match the Meaning
Spelling - sentences/definitions/choice due Fri
Math - Coordinate Plane activities
6th Gr Math - Lesson 101

Band/Gym tomorrow

Parent Homework - secret envelope

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Tuesday 4-10-18

Spelling Due Friday
Bloom's Ball Circles - all 12, colored and completed by Thursday
Math - Corrections on L 100
Memory - Apostle's Creed, First Petition (2nd part)

Monday, April 9, 2018

Monday 4-9-18

Welcome back! We are quickly back in the swing of things!

Literature: 10 Bloom's Ball Panels Complete
Language Arts: Vocab Unit 13 Definitions and read intro
Math: L 100, L 99 Corrections
Spelling Week 27 due Friday

Art, Band, Gym tomorrow!

Memory: Apostle's Creed, First Article Part 2